Thursday, March 29, 2012

Survey 9 Results

We had 173 participants in this week's survey. Thank you everyone for participating and submitting questions! :)


  • Be glad Justin Booth is on our side. He has the l33t skillz to protect us from the computer takeover that occurs shortly after the creation of Skynet (assuming we all survive the zombie apocalypse, of course). ;)
  • Getting an 'A' in a Spinney paper (or Mitchell paper) is one of the most satisfying achievements a PHCer can hope to attain. The next time you see a student with one of these rare beasts, take a picture – you may not get to see another one in your lifetime.
  • PHC Surveyor functioned as an "exit poll" of sorts for the Student Body President election. 
    • Representative Sample: The actual election results were 142 (57%) to 109 (43%), with 251 voting. The PHC Surveyor results (for those who revealed their vote preference) were 79 (58%) for Cartee/Lonon and 57 (42%) for Nelson/Karadsheh. If we extrapolated the PHC Surveyor result percentage to the actual election participation (251 votes), Cartee/Lonon would have beaten Nelson/Karadsheh 146 to 105 votes, a mere four vote difference from the actual election results. It is likely, then, that the following demographic results are representative of the actual election.
    • Election by Demographic:
      • Men: Cartee/Lonon (58.8%) over Nelson/Karadsheh (41.3%)
      • Women: Cartee/Lonon (57.1%) over Nelson/Karadsheh (42.9%)
      • Freshmen: Nelson/Karadsheh (63.0%) over Cartee/Lonon (37.0%)
      • Sophomores: Cartee/Lonon (65.4%) over Nelson/Karadsheh (34.6%)
      • Juniors: Cartee/Lonon (66.7%) over Nelson/Karadsheh (33.3%)
      • Seniors: Cartee/Lonon (72.0%) over Nelson/Karadsheh (28.0%)
    • Only 2 of the 5 alumni who participated in the survey selected "I will not vote" :-P Let's hope they didn't get Justin Booth to help them. ;)
  • Tyler Stockton, Joe Cheatwood, and Blake Meadows were the top three voted to survive the zombie apocalypse. Ly Deming (with "her lead pipe") was voted the woman most likely to survive.
  • No big surprise, most people schedule lunch around classes. After that, we choose to hang out with friends.
    • Guys are twice as likely to stalk girls they are interested in during lunch, than girls who stalk guys. 0.o ;)
  • Arabic and French are the languages that students would most like to see offered on campus.
  • For most people, asking a girl to the Liberty Ball conveys "a little bit" of romantic interest, but it would have to be followed up by something else.
    • Guys are nearly 4x more likely than girls to think say "Yes, it probably does" convey interest.
    • Seniors are 2-4x more likely to think the Liberty Ball conveys interest and nearly 7x less likely to say "No, not at all."
    • DISCLAIMER: Okay, settle down people. ;) These are statistics of trends and averages :-P Every person is unique. Communication is key. Don't assume your date is thinking something just because he/she falls into a demographic category :-P
  • Fifty-seven percent of campus are not regular coffee/energy drink consumers (less than once per week).
    • Girls are about twice as likely to drink coffee/energy drinks (though probably not energy drinks :P) once a week or more than guys.
  • Nearly 30% of girls have never rejected a guy to a dance.
    • Top reasons for rejection? Trying not to encourage a guy who she thinks is interested, and avoiding "creepy" guys.
    • Things for guys to take away? 1) Ask, you have good chances of getting a 'yes.' 2) Don't act overly interested, keep it casual and make it comfortable for her. 3) Don't be creepy. (Suggestions on how to accomplish #3 can be sent to to be released in the next survey :-P)
  • Most guys wouldn't mind marrying a wife who works, but would prefer she stays at home if/when kids come along.
    • Girls, remember that for the 20% of guys that said "barefoot, pregnant, and in the kitchen"'s a metaphor, and there was a winky face in the question. :)
That's all! Enjoy the results.

Survey 9 Results
Justin Booth – 49.7% (86)
Tyler Stockton – 30.1% (52)
John Rust – 9.8% (17)
Joshua Chamberlain – 10.4% (18)

Spinney Paper – 30.1% (52)
Spinney Exam – 12.7% (22)
Mitchell Paper – 27.2% (47)
PBR Paper – 19.7% (34)
Physics Test – 6.4% (11)
Biology Test – 2.9% (5)
Music App Exam – 1.2% (2)

Cartee/Lonon – 45.7% (79)
Nelson/Karadsheh – 32.9% (57)
None of your business :-P – 14.5% (25)
I will not vote – 6.9% (12)

Tyler Stockton – 13.9% (24)
Joe Cheatwood – 8.7% (15)
Blake Meadows – 4.6% (8)

Class schedule is the main factor – 39.8% (105)
Whenever I get hungry – 12.9% (34)
When my friends go in – 26.1% (69)
When a particular guy/girl I am interested in goes in – 12.1% (32)
When I feel like it/I don’t give it much thought – 9.1% (24)

Arabic – 30.1% (52)
French – 25.4% (44)
Italian – 10.4% (18)
German – 21.4% (37)
Mandarin – 12.7% (22)

Not at all – 17.3% (30)
No, unless he has been hanging around her a lot lately – 24.3% (42)
A little bit, but it would have to be specifically followed up – 45.1% (78)
Yes, it probably does – 6.9% (12)
Yes, unless the guy makes it clear that you are going “as friends” – 6.4% (11)

Less than one per week – 57.2% (99)
1x-3x per week – 17.9% (31)
4x-6x per week – 9.2% (16)
1 per day – 8.7% (15)
2 or more per day – 6.9% (12)

I don’t know him well enough – 12.3% (14)
I’m not going to the dance at all – 6.1% (7)
I’ve never rejected a guy that has asked – 27.2% (31)
I think he is interested in me and don’t want to encourage him – 17.5% (20)
I know him too well and he’s a bit creepy – 17.5% (20)
I am waiting/hoping to be asked by another guy – 11.4% (13)

I want my wife to be barefoot, pregnant, and in the kitchen ;) – 19.2% (19)
I don’t mind if my wife has a career, but I’d prefer she stay home once kids come along – 49.5% (49)
I don’t mind if my wife works part time away from home, even if we have kids – 13.1% (13)
I don't mind if my wife works full time away from home, even if we have kids – 9.1% (9)_
I wouldn’t mind if my wife was the primary financial provider* in our family (*i.e. she earns more than me) – 6.1% (6)
I expect my wife to work with me full time in my field/business – 1.0% (1)

Demographic Information
Total Participants in Survey: 173 
Participants in Demographic data: 99% (172)
  • Male: 57% (99) 
  • Female: 43% (74) 
  • Freshman: 32% (55) 
  • Sophomore: 20% (34) 
  • Junior: 28% (49) 
  • Senior: 17% (29) 
  • Alumnus: 3% (5) 

Other results distributed by demographic:

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