Friday, September 7, 2012

Season 2: Episode 1 Results

We may be late, but, like the postal service, we always come through.  Unlike the postal service, we have no intention of raising our rates.  So here you go: enjoy the perfectly free results of the first survey of the semester.
Highlights from the survey:

Over 37% of the students would love to see Pres. Obama flummoxed by Dr. Mitchell’s perspicuity, though almost a fifth dispute that watching Dr. Guluizza talk him under the table would be more exciting.

Usage of the vending machines doesn’t vary much by gender.  If anything, males are four percentage points less likely to use them than females.

The south classroom is wildly approved of by almost a three-to-one margin.
  • Males are twice as likely to approve of the new South classroom as females.   
  • Females are three times as likely to disapprove as males
  • Favorite comment about the South Classroom: “As Dr. Favelo would say: Trippy. Veeeery trippy.”
Females are slightly more likely to disapprove of their intranet picture than males.  This can be particularly seen by examining the mode for each gender: men chose ‘7’ more often than any other option, and women chose ‘5’ more often.
  • Average approval level: 5.7
  • Average approval level for men: 5.8
  • Average approval level for women: 5.6
Men are exactly evenly split between the two computer types, but women prefer Macs.  Actually, women generally prefer to stay out of it entirely.  Linux continues to be the Ron Paul of computers.

The Freshman Dance is very popular, especially with freshmen, of whom over 60% are already planning on going.  The Juniors are the most undecided, with over 50% refusing to commit one way or another.  The seniors are the worst spoilsports, with almost a quarter refusing to go.

Survey 1 Data:

Dr. Mitchell - 43
Dr. Guliuzza - 22
Dr. Haynes - 14
Dr. Farris - 8
Prof. Russell - 7
Dr. Montgomery - 5
Dr. Spinney - 4

Multiple times a day - 0.8% (1)
Daily - 0.8 (1)
A couple times a week - 4.9% (6)
Once every week or two - 15.6% (19)
Once a month or less - 39.3% (48)
Never - 36.1% (44)
New Machines? - 2.5% (3)

Yes - 36.9% (45)
Probably - 18.9% (23)
Only if asked - 3.3% (4)
Undecided - 15.6% (19)
No - 21.3% (26)
Alas, no - 4.1% (5)

Approve - 28.7% (35)
Undecided - 35.2% (43)
Disapprove - 11.5% (14)
It's different? - 20.5% (25)
Other - 2.5% (3)

0-2 - 7.4% (9)
3-5 - 0.8% (1)
6-8 - 2.5% (3)
9-11 - 0% (0)
12-14 - 21.3% (26)
15-16 - 39.3% (48)
17-18 - 24.6% (30)
19+ - 2.5% (3)

0 - 16.4% (20)
1 - 18.0% (22)
2 - 27.0% (33)
3 - 12.3% (15)
4 - 10.7% (13)
5 - 4.9% (6)
6 - 1.6% (2)

Yes - 13.9% (17)
Maybe - 7.4% (9)
No - 77.9% (95)

1 - 1.6% (2)
2 - 4.1% (5)
3 - 5.7% (7)
4 - 11.5% (14)
5 - 21.3% (26)
6 - 18.0% (22)
7 - 23.8% (29)
8 - 7.4% (9)
9 - 6.6% (8)

PC - 27.0% (33)
Mac - 31.1% (38)
Linux - 4.1% (5)
Can't we just get along? - 36.9% (45)
It's like heaven - 23.0 (28)
It's awesome - 46.7 (57)
Neutral - 3.3% (4)
Mixed bag - 8.2% (10)
Barely Surviving - 2.5% (3)
No roommates - 7.4% (9)
Other - 5.7% (7)
Demographic Data:
Male: 69
Female: 53
Freshman: 11
Sophomore: 39
Junior: 27
Senior: 37
Allumni: 6
Total: 122

Other Results of Interest:

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