Saturday, April 7, 2012

Survey 10 Results - Part I

Soo...there was a lot of data this week. That, combined with it being break and other stuff I've been working on has resulted in the delayed publication of the results. :-/ Sorry about that.

I ended up splitting question 10 into its own results page, so Part I has the results of question 1-9, and Part II has the results of question 10.

Without further ado, I present the results of Survey 10.

Enjoy :)


  • We have a ton of awesome professors. :) Dr. Kucks, though, wins "professor I most want to be like when I grow up" with about 25% of the votes.
  • Most people use a laptop to answer this survey. Big surprise.
    • Anecdotally, I thought a lot more people would use a smartphone because a lot of the comments I get come from people who specifically mention they are using a phone to answer the survey. Apparently, smartphone users are disproportionally represented in the comment section of the survey.
    • I also really want to know what the two people who answered "Other" are using to fill out the survey. I can't figure out what it would be. 0.o
  • Dark and Milk Chocolate are the favorites.
    • Guys have a slight preference for milk, girls have a slight preference for dark. Girls are more likely than guys to want Peeps, guys are more likely than girls to want white chocolate.
  • The median amount that people would be willing to pay for dance instruction classes is around the $5 range. We'll work on something for next semester ;)
  • Most PHCers would prefer to live in the country. Suburbs are the second most popular choice.
    • When I wrote this question, I theorized what I call "The Dr. Mitchell effect" which would have predicted a sharp upturn in "country" choices sophomore year when people take Freedoms and become agrarians for a few semesters. The evidence, however, is inconclusive :-/ Underclassman are about 10% more likely than upperclassman to choose "country" and upperclassman are about 4x more likely to want variety.
    • Guys are more likely than girls to choose "country" and girls are more likely than guys to choose "variety." ...Interesting... :-P ;)
  • Email is still the primary communication method for most people.
    • For girls, though, email is less than 50% and girls are about 8% more likely than guys to have Facebook be the most important communication tool.
  • The number of people who get most of their coffee from the coffee shop is almost equal to the number of people who buy from the grocery store and make coffee in dorms.
    • Of the people who drink coffee (half of campus doesn't), a quarter are likely to get most of their coffee from the dining hall.
  • About 30% of girls who took the survey would be willing to participate in powderpuff football.
  • Baseball is the most popular option for next intercollegiate sport on campus.
    • Notable "others" include: "Speed Reading," "Chess Boxing," and "Jousting" ;)
    • (And yes, I agree that right now we should focus on the sports we have already...but that is a different question :-P ;) )

Survey 10 Results - Part I
Dr. Kucks – 25.6% (41)
Dr. Spinney – 17.5% (28)
Dr. Favelo – 11.9% (19)
Dr. Mitchell – 10.6% (17)

Laptop – 88.1% (141)
Desktop – 3.8% (6)
Smartphone – 6.9% (11)
Other – 1.3% (2)

White Chocolate – 18.1% (29)
Milk Chocolate – 37.5% (60)
Dark Chocolate – 36.9% (59)
Easter Bunny? I want my Peeps!! – 7.5% (12)

Less than $3 per session (Less than $18 total) – 13.1% (21)
$3-$5 per session ($18-$30 total) – 43.8% (70)
$5-$10 per session ($30-$60 total) – 18.1% (29)
More than $10 per session (More than $60 total) – 2.5% (4)
I would not be interested – 22.5% (36)

In the city – 10.6% (17)
In the country – 50.0% (80)
In the suburbs – 31.9% (51)
I'd be willing to move frequently to have variety – 7.5% (12)

Email – 54.4% (87)
Facebook – 13.8% (22)
Texting – 31.9% (51)

Dining hall – 12.5% (20)
Grocery store/dorm made – 16.3% (26)
Coffee shop – 15.6% (25)
Off campus coffee shop – 8.1% (13)
I don’t drink coffee – 47.5% (76)

No – 37.1% (26)
Maybe – 25.7% (18)
Yes, I'd watch – 8.6% (6)
Yes, I'd participate – 28.6% (20)

Baseball – 21.9% (35)
Football – 13.8% (22)
Lacrosse – 10.0% (16)
Cross country – 10.6% (17)
Track and Field – 12.5% (20)
Volleyball – 6.3% (10)
Tennis – 3.1% (5)
Other – 21.3% (34)

Demographic Information
Total Participants in Survey: 160 

Participants in Demographic data: 99% (159)
  • Male: 57% (90) 
  • Female: 43% (69) 
  • Freshman: 32% (51) 
  • Sophomore: 21% (33) 
  • Junior: 27% (43) 
  • Senior: 16% (26) 
  • Alumnus: 4% (6) 
Other results distributed by demographic:

Continue to Part II of the Survey 10 Results...

1 comment:

  1. In most things the Sophomores and Juniors seem to stand out. They also seem to have opposing ideals.
