Monday, April 23, 2012

Survey 11 Results

Sorry about the delay. Here are the results for Survey 11 :) Thanks for everyone who participated!


  • Erik Landstrom, Jonathan Boes, and Belle Schuler are the most likely PHC students to win American Idol. 
    • Whoever wrote in Melody Soares is brilliant.
  • Dogs are so much better than cats. They are loyal, friendly, caring, and cheerful. Cats are gloomy, stubborn, arrogant snobs. You thought this survey was unbiased? Sorry to disappoint ;)
  • Eighty-percent of students pay each week for at least one meal they don't eat. 
    • Nearly fifty-percent are paying for three or more meals they don't eat.
    • Assuming an average of $6.60 per meal (which is basically what you get when you divide number of meals on the 21-meal plan by what you pay for the semester) this is at least $20 per week you are paying for meals you don't eat.
    • Assuming an average of $8.40 per meal (14 meal plan), this is $25 you spend on meals you don't eat.
    • :sigh: I completely understand that the college is needs to make money, but I really wish there were a way to pay a la carte or at least have unused meals roll over from week to week :-/
  • John is the favorite gospel of students.
  • Hitman: Vendetta is the most favored PHC themed media.
    • While 42% of guys choose Hitman: Vendetta (nearly 3x more than any other media), 28% of girls chose Come What May as their favorite. Girls were also more than twice as likely as guys to choose the original Hitman as their favorite.
    • Freshman choose Hitman: Vendetta as their favorite by a 51% vote. Freshman were also the most knowledgable of all classes with only 5% saying they didn't know any of the choices.
    • Underclassmen tend to like Come What May by a 10% margin over upperclassmen.
    • Alumni were evenly split among the original Hitman and Come What May. Hitman won Alumni over Hitman: Vendetta by a 2-1 margin (literally) ;)
  • Nearly 70% of students think there is a situation where they would steal to keep their family from starving.
    • Sophomores and Seniors are about 10% more likely to steal than Freshman and Juniors.
  • PHC students tend to drive in the right lane by a 10% margin.
    • For guys, the right lane/left lane divide is nearly even.
    • For girls, the right lane/left lane divide is about 60%-30%.
    • For everyone who asked this in the comment section, yes, the question is about a four lane divided highway. I'm wasn't asking who likes to drive head on into traffic for fun ;)
  • The average (mean) number of siblings PHC students have is 3 to 4 (3.497). The survey ranged from those who were only children to those with 11 siblings. The mode and median number of siblings is 3.
  • Nearly 50% of PHC women would like a career but would prefer to stay home with kids. About 30% would like to work part time with kids, and only 4% would like to work full time or wouldn't mind being the primary financial provider for the family.
    • I would add that 15% said they'd like to be barefoot, pregnant, and in the kitchen, but someone warned me that I'm not allowed to put the words "female," "barefoot," "pregnant," and "kitchen" in the same sentence, so I won't :-P
  • Seventy percent of guys say they try to hang around the girl they are interested in as much as they can. Forty percent of those are trying to signal interest, sixty percent are interested, but trying not to signal it.
    • Seven percent of guys go back and forth between avoiding and seeking out. Nine percent hang around the periphery and 8% just tell her outright.
    • Three guys left this question blank/wrote comments.
    • Here are the comments that guys submitted for this question that I found most interesting/amusing/insightful:
      • "Avoid her at all costs...relationships are a very bad idea."
      • "I throw my flip-flops at her."
      • "Sneakily find out if the feeling is mutual."
      • "First hang out, then flirt a bit, then ask her out."
      • "I ask her out first. Then tell her I like her after that... if I still like her after our date."
      • "The bad part about PHC relationships is if you get rejected word gets around. As a result I like to be extra careful."
      • "Play it by ear. It depends on the girl because every girl responds to things differently."
      • "Not being honest right up front is significantly less manly."
      • "I'm sorry I've been avoiding you, <actual name was here*>..." *Name removed because I don't condone declaring love anonymously via the Surveyor :-P ;)

That's all! Enjoy the results.

Survey 11 Results
Erik Landstrom – 25.5% (40)
Jonathan Boes – 11.5% (18)
Belle Schuler – 8.3% (13)

Cats, absolutely – 16.6% (26)
Dogs, absolutely – 49.0% (77)
If I *have* to choose, cats – 15.3% (24)
If I *have* to choose, dogs – 19.1% (30)

None – 22.9% (36)
1-2 meals – 33.1% (52)
3-4 meals – 23.6% (37)
5 or more meals – 20.4% (32)

Matthew – 17.2% (27)
Mark – 5.1% (8)
Luke – 26.8% (42)
John – 51.0% (80)

Hitman (series) – 8.9% (14)
Hitman: Vendetta (series) – 33.8% (53)
Come What May (film) – 19.7% (31)
God’s Next Army (documentary) – 2.5% (4)
God’s Harvard (book) – 12.7% (20)
I don’t know what any of these are! – 22.3% (35)

Yes – 68.8% (108)
No – 31.2% (49)

Left lane – 38.2% (60)
Right lane – 53.5% (84)
I don’t really pay attention – 3.2% (5)
I don’t drive – 5.1% (8)

0 – 5.1% (8)
1 – 17.2% (27)
2 – 14.6% (23)
3 – 22.9% (36)
4 – 15.9% (25)
5 – 7.0% (11)
6 – 5.1% (8)
7 – 1.9% (3)
8 – 3.8% (6)
9 – 3.8% (6)
10 – 1.3% (2)
11 – 1.3% (2)

I want to be barefoot, pregnant, and in the kitchen :-P – 14.7% (10)
I would like a career, but would prefer to stay home once kids come along – 48.5% (33)
I would like to work at least part time, even if we have kids – 33.8% (23)
I would like to work full time even if we have kids – 1.5% (1)
I would not mind being the primary financial provider in our family and having my husband stay home with our kids – 1.5% (1)

Abstain – 3.4% (3)
I go back and forth between seeking her out and avoiding her – 6.7% (6)
Try to hang around her in the periphery, but only rarely directly engage her – 9.0% (8)
Spend as much time with her as I can, but without signaling my interest – 42.7% (38)
Try to hang around her and talk with her as much as I can, to signal my interest – 30.3% (27)
Tell her, as soon as I can after I realize that I like her – 7.9% (7)

Demographic Information
Total Participants in Survey: 157 

Participants in Demographic data: 99% (155)
  • Male: 57% (89) 
  • Female: 44% (68) 
  • Freshman: 27% (42) 
  • Sophomore: 22% (34) 
  • Junior: 28% (44) 
  • Senior: 18% (28) 
  • Alumnus: 5% (7) 
Other results distributed by demographic:

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